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GL Courses

SYP 3456

Societies in the World

During this course, we explored relevant textbooks like 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' and 'Collapse' from Jared Diamond. Within those books, we understood the development of society, the importance of food production and domestication, as well as the consequences of such evolution. 'Collapse' explained why certain civilizations collapsed in history and why that is important to understand humanity. Lastly, we read 'Questioning Collapse' from different authors which presented counter theories about the collapse of those civilizations. The most amazing thing about this course was taking it with my girlfriend, which is a Sociology major at FIU. We studied together and discussed about the content for hours. Incredibly, that put us closer to each other and not further apart. All in all, it was a great course, full of critical thinking that helped me understand much more about the world, but mostly, about its people.

INR 4075

International protection of Human Rights

I did this course while I was abroad in Barcelona. It was great to share a classroom full of other international students from different parts of Europe which could add new insights to an interesting theme like Human Rights. Our professor was a lawyer specialized in the topic, so she had a lot of experience and knowledge. We talked about HR violations in many African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. We explored the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its functions under the United Nations. As a final project, we anylised all together the 30 years war in Colombia and the peace agreement signed the previous year before the class. I loved this course and it clearly made an impact on my because after that I declared a certificate in Political Transitions and Human Rights.

EVR 1001

Environmental Science

In a world where global warming is a constant threat, this course was essential for me. However, I took this course in my second semester at FIU and I did not pass it the first time. The positive thing about that was that I did the course twice, so I really learned all about environmental science. That was the only course I ever failed in my life so besides the learning outcome I also grew as an individual and learned from my mistakes. The second time I took the course I was the older one in class. It was fascinating to share a classroom with high school students that were already taking university courses. I not only learned a lot of environmental science, but I also learned from amazing young students.

GEA 2000

World Regional Geography

As an International Relations major student, geography is crucial in this field. I thought I had certain general idea about geography, but thanks to this course, I believe I know much more! The course was taught by Ricardo Gonzales, a very knowledgeable professor, which I really recommend taking. After this course, whenever we talked about different countries around the world in my Political Science and International Relations classes, I had a broader understanding of each state thanks to this course. It was mostly a visual class because there was always a picture or a map related to a topic, and since I believe I am a visual learner, it was a beatiful journey.

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